René Froger
Clips op TV Oranje
A horse in the hall
A whiter shade of pale
Ach Margrietje
Alles kan een mens gelukkig maken

Amsterdam Amsterdam
Are you ready for loving me
Back on the road again
Bad case of loving you
Ballad medley
Beatles medley
Beauty and the beast
Billy Joel medley
Bloed, zweet & tranen
Bloed, zweet en tranen

Calling out your name (Ruby)
Classic sing a long song
Could it be mandy
Crazy way about you
Daar sta je dan

Dancing in the street
Dat kan je niet kopen

De zon schijnt voor iedereen
Denk aan mij

Endless love and tonight
Father & friend
Give me the night
Gone are the days
Harry Bannink medley
Here in my heart
Here in my heart/Father & Friend
Het is verloren tijd

I am a singer
I can't stop myself
I who have nothing
If we only had love
If you don't know

In a quiet moment
In dreams
Je keek naar mij
Je keek naar mij (angels)
Jij moet verder
Just say hello
Las Vegas medley

Let's face the music

Love is a wonderful thing
Love of the year
Loving you
Man with a mission
Medley (Live at the Arena part 1)
Medley (Live at the Arena part 2)
Merry go round
My way
Never fall in love again
Nobody else

Over de top
Portrait of my love
Prince medley

Queen medley
Rene Froger classics
Rene Froger hitmedley
René Froger hitmedley 2016
Rene Froger medley
Request medley
Robbie Williams medley
Rock medley 2013
Rock medley 2014
Run to you
Samen staan we sterker
Something stupid
Stay with me till the morning
Still on your side
That's when I'll stop loving you
The end of everything
The girl's so right for me
The love of the year
The number one
The way to Amarillo
This is the moment
Thunder in my heart
To all the girls I've loved before
Tom Jones medley
Vier het leven
Vleugels van mijn vlucht
Waarom wachten?
We all need a miracle
We are the champions
Weekend in New England
Where or when
Why are you so beautiful
Why goodbye
Why you follow me
Wild rhythm
Winter in America
Woman, woman
You can leave your hat on
You're a friend of mine
You're the story of my life
You're the voice
You've got a friend
Your place or mine
Zo heppie