Candy Dulfer
Clips op TV Oranje
All in love is fair
Bob's jazz
California love/ no diggity
Dance 'till you bob revisited
Dance medley
Do watcha like
Feel like making love/ streetlife
For the love of you
Funk medley
Glamorous life
I can't make you love me
I can't stand the rain
I will always love you
I'll be released
In the air tonight
Isn't she lovely
Just the two of us
Kleine broertje
Lily was here
Lily was here/ September
Longin' for the funk
Lost and gone
Nikki's dream
Nobody else
Nothing compares to you
Omara's dance
Ooh let's go
Pick up the pieces
Pick up the pieces/ Dance medley
Sax a go go
Saxy mood
Sly Stone medley
Vier het leven
Vlieg met me mee
Wake me
What u do when the music hits